Western Mechanical Services is pleased to have been chosen to provide the air and
UBC Michael Smith Laboratories

The UBC Michael Smith Laboratories is a 7,500 sq Meter (80,700 sq ft) building that was completed in 2005. It is an interdisciplinary facility that includes biological research and training facilities.
Research is conducted on human and animal molecular genetics, plant and forestry molecular genetics and biological process engineering. The building was named after Doctor Michael Smith, Nobel Prize Winner for Chemistry in 1993 and former Professor Emeritus at UBC.
The mechanical systems for the laboratory areas included variable air volume (VAV) air handling systems with supply and exhaust fans having variable speed drives, and heat recovery coils and pumps that transfer heat from the outgoing exhaust air to the incoming outdoor air.
Western Mechanical Services provided the fundamental and additional commissioning services for the technically challenging mechanical equipment, systems and temperature controls for Alpha Mechanical Contracting in Port Coquitlam, BC. Western Mechanical scheduled all activities related to the commissioning including equipment start-up, water treatment, testing and balancing, duct cleaning, temperature control end-to-end checks, performance verification and preparation and review of the operating and maintenance manuals. Western Mechanical Services organized the turnover and ensured that the building operators had been adequately trained to
BCGEU Fraser Valley Administration Office

When the British Columbia Government Employees Union (BCGEU) planned for their new Fraser Valley Headquarters Building in Langley, they decided to go green and opted for LEED gold status. The building, described as a showplace to green thinking is located on 198th Street in Langley and is home to Fraser Valley Area Office and the union’s Organizing Department.
The building has a great deal of glass and yet the overall energy performance of the building were low enough to meet tough standards comparable to similar energy efficient buildings with less glass, because of reflective coatings and remote control blinds. Light Emitting Diode (LED) light fixtures were utilized and these consume only a fraction of the power of other comparable lighting arrangements. Although the BCGEU invested about 20 % more for the initial building costs the life cycle cost of the structure is expected to be comparable because of reduced operating and maintenance costs.
Western Mechanical Services participated in this green building project by providing the fundamental and best practice commissioning services.
BMW / Mini Langley Auto Dealership

The 58,000 sq ft Langley BMW and MINI Dealership opened in August, 2011 and the groundbreaking ceremonies included dedication of a special tree as a commemorative gift to the guests, and a symbol of the environmental significance of LEED-certified eco-friendly sustainable construction with green walls.
The dealership building at Langley Bypass and Glover Road features an expansive, twin elevated showroom, with adequate space to accommodate up to 26 BMW vehicles and seven MINIs and a state of the art service centre. The service drive-in area is able to serve six customer vehicles and has a see-through service and parts facility and onsite parking for 165 vehicles.
Western Mechanical Services is pleased to have been chosen to provide the commissioning services for the building systems as required to qualify for LEED Silver certification.