History and Reputation

First in our Industry and Region

Western Mechanical Services was the first independent balancing agency in Western Canada. We were established in 1959 and recorganized in 1977.

We were the first to build instruments and equipment for measuring – including the Measurell and the electric Anemometer.

Western Mechanical Services have our own BC Research certified wind tunnels for recalibration and testing of instruments.

Western Mechanical Services was the first to establish a technical Balancing Apprenticeship Training program, initially under AABC guidelines. Currently that same programis under the Union Certified Journeyman Program under both Local 280 (Sheet Metal Union) and 516 (Refrigeration Workers Union).

Highly Qualified Technicians

Western Mechanical Services has a solid reputation, over the past 60 years, for excellence in training and supporting our technicans. All technicians are trained and experienced in the operation of DDC and pneumatic controls systems including Honeywell, Johnsons Controls, Landis & Staefa, Modern Controls, Energrated (Delta) and Tremco. All Western Mechanical Technicians have extensive experience in the field troubleshooting and surveying mechanical systems.

Unparalleled Safety Record

Safety is something that we believe separates Western Mechanical Services from the rest of our competitors in this industry. We enjoy some of the lowest WCB premiums available to construction contractors. The Alberta Division has never had a single lost time injury or even a near miss incident filed upon our workers. This includes over 30,000 man-hours worked over the nine-year span of operations in Alberta. More on our safety performance and practices.


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